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"Origin of the Universe and Fine-Tuning for Life on Earth"


Abstract: Research confirms that space and time trace back to a beginning, and the space-time theorems indicate that a causal agent beyond the universe is responsible for the existence of space and time, as well as matter and energy. Meanwhile, recent measurements of accelerating cosmic expansion and development of a dark energy theorem predict an end to all life and consciousness. These findings, combined with evidence for cosmic fine-tuning, the anthropic principle, the anthropic principle inequality, and the unique characteristics of humanity together carry significant implications concerning the reality of humanity’s hope, purpose, and destiny. Let’s consider them.

Biography: Hugh Ross received an undergraduate degree in physics and graduate degrees in astronomy in Canada, then did post-doc work at Caltech researching quasars. He founded the organization Reasons to Believe in an effort “to equip Christians to engage, rather than withdraw from or attack, educated non-Christians.” Read more of his story here.